Welcome to MeteoMap.cloud
Der basic idea
As a weather station operator, you are faced with the question of how to "bring" the weather data to the Internet. About 80% of weather enthusiasts do not have their own hosting and can therefore neither install a template nor build their own homepage. To build your own homepage - even if it is only with a CMS like Joomla or Wordpress - is connected with a lot of effort.
Once you've set it up, it's wonderful - but usually the users and visitors are missing. The times are long gone, when you stood after a few days with your weather station page on place 1 at Google. With unbelievable advertising budgets and search engine marketing, the big weather service providers are now occupying virtually every place in the world.
There are some portals in the meantime and the differences are big. Our goals during the realization were:
- Information at a glance (self-talking markers and colorings, preview graphics with mouseover)
- Easy access to the stations (with click)
- The station pages should also be accessible via direct call (link): Demo of a "free-station"
- Simplicity of operation (selection calendar)
- Map section with your own station(s) can be integrated into your own / company / portal - websites: To the demo
- operate the most important parameters not a data grave that no one's looking at
- As many users as possible should participate, even if they do not want to spend money on a service:
With your own station appear on all maps and 1 month of archive storage is free!